Art within Architecture

jjoo design ich-sehe-was-was-du-nicht-siehst
jjoo design ich-sehe-was-was-du-nicht-siehst jjoo design ich-sehe-was-was-du-nicht-siehst jjoo design ich-sehe-was-was-du-nicht-siehst

The sentence »Ich sehe was was Du nicht siehst« (»I see something that you don’t see«) reads the title of a popular children’s game: secretly picking an object in sight and letting the other child guess what was chosen, giving little hints and answers. Shape and colour of the letters refer to small plastics letters with magnets that children can put on fridges or alike to create words and sentences.

Finding out about things others keep secret and coding of information are two central tasks of the foreign intelligence service (in Germany: BND) – communicated in the installation in a friendly, intelligible way formally contrasting the strict and serious appearance of the architecture.

With Andreas Lorenschat.

Art within Architecture competition for the new headquarter of the BND – year: 2009